Sunday, July 12, 2009

The cake

Here you are Blog World. The duck cake for Sam.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


One of the mums from Playgroup made every baby their own name out of shortbread. How amazing is this!!! She made about 20 for the kids.

Duck cake

I am making Sam a duck cake for his birthday as he loves ducks. Today we tested it out just so that i could assure myself it would work on the day. Sam helped me hold the bowl and licked the beater for the first time. One of those lovely moments. Here it is un-iced.
I'm using packet mix cause there's only so much a mum can do in a day.

With thanks to the yanks

I made pancakes the other day and had a craving for peanut butter and jam (Jelly to the US people). It was delicious. No I'm not pregnant. IXL make a Plum, cherry and rasberry conserve that is just divine. A smidge of that with crunchy peanut butter on a hot pancake. Hmmmmmmm.

Here is my pancake recipe.
2C plain flour
1 TBP honey
2 eggs

Add all ingredients in a bowl with enough milk to form a smooth paste. Keep adding milk liberaly and hand mixing it it to get all of the lumps out. Heat a pan and add some butter. Add some pancake mix and swirl around to flatten out the mixture. Turn once then reduce the heat in the pan. Serve with lemon and sugar, maple syrup or my stupid cravings of peanut butter and jelly.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Spaghetti and Meatballs

A friend of mine on Facebook posted that she was making spag and meatballs tonight so I just had to share my recipe. My husband's sister made something similar one night so I thought I woudl try it at home. Its now part of my staple recipe book.

Spagehtti and Spicy Meatballs
Mix mince, breadcrumbs, an egg, tomoato paste, worcester sauce and a very generous helping of tobasco sauce in a bowl. Make small meatballs and roll in plain flour. Heat oil in a pan and brown the meatballs. Remove from pan. Add 1 tin of diced tomatoes or pasatta sauce to the pan and 1 cup of beef stock. Bring to boil then let simmer. Place meatballs back in the sauce and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve of spaghetti!! DELISH!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Baby's birthday

I made nothing on this table. I do want to celebrate the talented individuals from our Playgroup who put on this sumptuous afternoon tea. We had a collective 1st birthday party today for our babies. They had a wonderful time speading chocolate cake from top to bottoms.


I made scones yesterday morning. Some of the mums from playgroup came over and we sat around eating scones with jam and cream, playing with the bubs and drinking hot beverages till about 12:30 in the afternoon. It was a perfect way to spend the morning on a cold, wintery day.